PRECIOUS VOLUMES An Introduction to Chinese Sectarian Scriptures from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series) ハーバード大学アジアセンター Daniel L. Overmyer 言語:英語 仕様:ハードカバー 寸法:16.3 × 23.3 × 厚 3.5 cm 定価: "Precious volumes," or pao-chan, were produced by popular sects in the Ming and early Qing dynasties. These scriptures were believed to have been divinely revealed to sect leaders and contain teachings and ritual instructions that provide valuable information about a lively and widespread religious tradition outside mainstream Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Largely neglected until now, they testify to the imagination and devotion of popular religious leaders. This book, the most detailed and comprehensive study of pao-chan in any language, studies 34 early examples of this literature in order to understand the origins and development of this textual tradition. Although the work focuses on content and structure, it also treats the social context of these works as well as their transmission and ritual use. 「Overmyer は、中国の宗教研究に革命をもたらした主要な学者の 1 人です。この本では多くの貴重な本が紹介されていますが、彼が議論する重要な箇所の寛大な翻訳を提供しているため、それらの構造と内容。彼の翻訳は完璧でエレガントです。この伝統を知らずに中国の宗教を完全に理解することはできません。彼の献身的な研究がこの重要な成果をもたらしたおかげで、この主題に関心のある将来の学生は今や不可欠なガイドを手にしています。」―Chun-Fang Yu,Journal of Asian Studies (Google翻訳) ※主に外面(カバーや裁断面)にうす汚れやコスレ傷、小汚れも少しはありますが大きな傷みはありません。序文に1ページ、まえがきに2ページ、合計3ページにマーカーあり。それ以外に書き込みはありません。 ※ヤマト宅急便でお届けします。ポスト投函ではありませんので直接お受け取り(もしくは宅配box)が必要になります。お届け希望日や時間帯がおありの場合はメッセージお願いいたします。 ■目次 Preface Introduction 1. Antecedents in the History of Chinese Sacred Texts 2. An Early Model :The Bureaucracy of Salvation in a Fifteenth-Century Text the Huang-chi pao-chan 3. Wu-wei Sect Scriptures by Lo Ch'ing 4. The Chiu-lien pao-chan of 1523 5. Themes in Later Sixteenth-Century Pao-chan 6. “Precious Volumes” from the Seventeenth Century 7. The Dragon-Flower Scripture (Lung-hua ching) 8. Concluding Comments ◎Appendixes A. The Case of the Hung-lo Pao-chuan B. Vernacular Terms Used in the Huang-chi pao-chuan C. Tune Names in the Huang-chi pao-chuan D. Paired Matriarchs and Patriarchs in the Order of their Appearance in the Huang-chi pao-chuan E. Titles of Offices in the Huang-chi pao-chuan F. Types of Documents in the Huang-chi pao-chuan G. Lo Ch'ing's “Five Books in Six Volumes ”(Wu-pu liu-ts'e) H. Sixteenth-Century pao-chuan Consulted for This Study Other Than Those by Lo Ch'ing and the 1523 Chiu-lien pao-chan I. Seventeenth-Century pao-chan Consulted for this Study ◎Reference Matter Notes Works Citd :Secondary Sources Glossary Index 【管理用】 5418Y3958DC