To Protect Justice and Peace - He Has Returned The crustal movement and the abnormal climate had occurred repeatedly on a global scale and dormant monsters started to awaken from sleep. A young man named Hideki Go, who was chasing his dream to be a race car driver, lost his life in saving a boy and a puppy that failed to escape in the midst of Monster Takkong’s rampage. However, the new Ultraman, who had come from Nebula M78 to defend Earth, was deeply touched by Go’s brave action and resurrected him by uniting as one. After that, Go is determined to fight any enemy that threatens the freedom and happiness of humanity and joined MAT, the Monster Attack Team. While he struggles with his identity gap between Ultraman and Hideki Go, he grows through fighting against the monsters and aliens. 出演 団次郎 桂木美加 榊原るみ 岸田森 岩崎和子 監督 本多猪四郎 脚本 上原正三 田口成光 市川森一 原語日本語音声収録。 全51話収録、6枚組み。 未開封品です。 リージョンA、ないしはフリーですが、国コードロックなどにより再生機器側の設定変更が必要な場合があります。 エアキャップなどで包み中身が見えないように梱包し、発送致します。